Category Archives: Technical Direction

Luminance Curves


Often in compositing, I will need to take one set of values and convert it to a different set of values. Say I have a linear image, with luminance values in a range from 0 – 4.589:

Input: Output:
0 0
4.589 1
If I want to do some fancy operation on that image based on it’s luminance, I’ll probably want to convert that range to 0-1, so it’s easier to work with. The easiest and most straight-forward type of conversion is a linear one, of course, where we simply divide all the luminance values by the largest value, giving us a range of values between 0 and 1:

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./hello -t “world”

I can’t count the number of times I’ve run into an issue in my work as a Technical Director that I’ve solved just by googling it, and landing on some random blog or forum post. The goal of this site is to add my experiences to the great reference library.