set cut_paste_input [stack 0] version 7.0 v9 push $cut_paste_input Group { name vhsNoise selected true xpos -342 ypos -200 addUserKnob {20 User} addUserKnob {7 imageWrap R -1 1} addUserKnob {7 imageSkew R -1 1} addUserKnob {7 imageVertJitter} addUserKnob {12 barLocation} barLocation {978 208} addUserKnob {7 barThickness R 0 100} barThickness 100 addUserKnob {7 thicknessVariation} thicknessVariation 0.5 addUserKnob {7 barOpacity} barOpacity 1 addUserKnob {7 barVertJitter R 0 300} barVertJitter 150 addUserKnob {7 barScroll R 0 500} barScroll {{frame/2}} addUserKnob {7 bigDistort R 0 200} bigDistort 106 addUserKnob {7 amplitude R 0 200} amplitude 80 addUserKnob {7 chromaticAbberation R 0 10} chromaticAbberation 2.4 addUserKnob {6 limitToBar -STARTLINE} limitToBar true addUserKnob {7 extraNoise} extraNoise 1 } BackdropNode { inputs 0 name BackdropNode5 tile_color 0x71c67100 label "VHS NOISE" note_font_size 42 xpos 202 ypos -84 bdwidth 817 bdheight 1174 } Input { inputs 0 name Input1 label footage xpos 487 ypos -61 } NoOp { name VHS_INPUT xpos 487 ypos -18 } set N66ce490 [stack 0] Noise { cliptype none replace true size 4 zoffset {{frame}} lacunarity 8.4 gain 0.8 gamma 0.045 center {1024 576} name Noise2 xpos 222 ypos 748 hide_input true } Transform { scale {4 1} center {1024 576} shutteroffset centred name Transform1 xpos 222 ypos 774 } Sharpen { amount 3 name Sharpen1 xpos 222 ypos 800 } Multiply { value 50 name Multiply1 xpos 222 ypos 838 } set N66d6100 [stack 0] FrameHold { first_frame {{frame+12}} name FrameHold5 xpos 403 ypos 833 } push $N66ce490 Shuffle { red black green black blue black alpha white name Shuffle1 xpos 626 ypos -60 } set Ncbb57a0 [stack 0] push $Ncbb57a0 Transform { scale 0.98 center {1024 778} name Transform6 xpos 736 ypos -37 } ChannelMerge { inputs 2 operation minus name ChannelMerge1 xpos 626 ypos -11 } Blur { size 24 name Blur2 xpos 626 ypos 35 } push $N66ce490 add_layer {edgeMatte edgeMatte.alpha} ShuffleCopy { inputs 2 red alpha out edgeMatte name ShuffleCopy6 xpos 487 ypos 40 } Crop { box {0 0 {VHS_INPUT.width} {VHS_INPUT.height}} name Crop1 xpos 487 ypos 83 } Dot { name Dot13 xpos 521 ypos 107 } set N66dd0a0 [stack 0] Transform { translate {{VHS_INPUT.width} {curve}} center {1024 576} black_outside false shutteroffset centred name Transform3 xpos 627 ypos 125 } push 0 push $N66dd0a0 Transform { translate {{-VHS_INPUT.width} {curve}} center {1024 576} shutteroffset centred name Transform2 xpos 322 ypos 121 } push $N66dd0a0 Merge2 { inputs 3+1 operation under also_merge edgeMatte name Merge_wrap xpos 487 ypos 174 } set N8f78a10 [stack 0] Transform { translate {{curve} {VHS_INPUT.height}} center {1024 576} shutteroffset centred name Transform5 xpos 622 ypos 218 } push 0 push $N8f78a10 Transform { translate {{curve} {-VHS_INPUT.height}} center {1024 576} shutteroffset centred name Transform4 xpos 351 ypos 218 } push $N8f78a10 Merge2 { inputs 3+1 operation under also_merge edgeMatte name MergeUpDown xpos 487 ypos 241 } Transform { translate {{curve} {parent.imageWrap*VHS_INPUT.height}} center {1024 576} filter Impulse black_outside false shutter 0.25 shutteroffset centred name Transform_wrap xpos 487 ypos 265 } Blur { size 12 maskChannelInput edgeMatte.alpha name B_edges xpos 487 ypos 289 } Transform { translate {{curve} {((random()*parent.amplitude)-(.5*parent.amplitude))*parent.imageVertJitter}} skewX {{parent.imageSkew x62 0 0.75 0.25 0}} center {1024 576} filter Impulse black_outside false shutter 0.25 shutteroffset centred name Transform_initialSkew xpos 487 ypos 323 addUserKnob {20 User} addUserKnob {7 amplitude R 0 100} amplitude {{curve*.5 x26 1.065734863 x28 301.0657349 x31 301.0657349 231.0162048 10 x56 8.746459961 x58 175 x62 175 x67 0}} } set Ncbd8920 [stack 0] Noise { cliptype none replace true type turbulence size 520 zoffset {{frame}} nyquist false gain 0.465 gamma 0.655 center {1024 576} name Noise5 xpos 354 ypos 444 hide_input true } Add { value -0.5 name Add1 xpos 354 ypos 470 } push $Ncbb57a0 Noise { cliptype none replace true size 75 zoffset {{frame}} nyquist false lacunarity 1.5 gain 1 gamma 0.925 translate {-483 14} scale {10 1} center {1024 576} name Noise3 xpos 802 ypos 135 hide_input true } Sharpen { amount 3 name Sharpen2 xpos 802 ypos 161 } set N8f823b0 [stack 0] push $Ncbb57a0 Transform { translate {{curve} {-(VHS_INPUT.height/2)-parent.barThickness}} center {1024 778} name Transform8 xpos 820 ypos -43 } push $Ncbb57a0 Transform { translate {{curve} {(VHS_INPUT.height/2)+parent.barThickness}} center {1024 778} name Transform7 xpos 926 ypos -60 } ChannelMerge { inputs 2 name ChannelMerge2 xpos 926 ypos -20 } Invert { name Invert1 xpos 926 ypos 26 } Clamp { name Clamp2 xpos 926 ypos 60 } Multiply { value {{parent.barOpacity}} name Multiply2 xpos 926 ypos 118 } Transform { scale {0 {1+(random()-.5)*2*parent.thicknessVariation}} center {{VHS_INPUT.width/2} {VHS_INPUT.height/2}} shutteroffset centred name Transform_squish xpos 926 ypos 152 } Merge2 { inputs 2 operation in name Merge26 xpos 802 ypos 210 } Clamp { name Clamp1 xpos 703 ypos 283 } Transform { translate {{0 x288 -78} {parent.barLocation-center x288 -112}} center {{VHS_INPUT.width/2 x288 0} {VHS_INPUT.height/2 x288 0}} shutteroffset centred name T_location xpos 703 ypos 333 addUserKnob {20 User} addUserKnob {7 amplitude} amplitude {{parent.amplitude}} } set N1fd013c0 [stack 0] push $N1fd013c0 Transform { translate {{curve} {(VHS_INPUT.height)+(parent.barThickness)*random()}} center {{VHS_INPUT.width/2} {VHS_INPUT.height/2}} shutteroffset centred name T_wrap xpos 834 ypos 406 } Merge2 { inputs 2 name Merge27 xpos 703 ypos 406 } Transform { translate {{0 x72 -30 x93 -28 x108 -32 x114 -32 -19 -16 x138 -13 x157 -31} {(jitter*parent.barVertJitter)+parent.barScroll x72 -132 x93 -22 x108 -308 x114 -308 -135 -174 x138 -132 x157 -223}} center {1030 -91} black_outside false shutteroffset centred name T_overall xpos 703 ypos 432 addUserKnob {20 User} addUserKnob {7 jitter} jitter {{(sin(random(frame))*cos(random(frame))-.25)*4}} } push $Ncbd8920 add_layer {trackingMask trackingMask.alpha} ShuffleCopy { inputs 2 alpha alpha2 black alpha out2 trackingMask name ShuffleCopy1 xpos 487 ypos 432 } ShuffleCopy { inputs 2 alpha alpha2 black red white black red2 red green2 black out2 motion name ShuffleCopy5 xpos 487 ypos 476 } IDistort { channels rgb uv motion uv_scale {{parent.bigDistort}} maskChannel trackingMask.alpha name bigDistort xpos 487 ypos 520 } set Ncbe3260 [stack 0] Shuffle { in trackingMask name Shuffle2 xpos 625 ypos 585 } push $N8f823b0 Switch { inputs 2 which {{parent.limitToBar}} name Switch1 xpos 625 ypos 652 } push $Ncbe3260 ShuffleCopy { inputs 2 red alpha out trackingMask name ShuffleCopy7 xpos 487 ypos 652 } Dot { name Dot16 xpos 521 ypos 778 } set Ncbf4a00 [stack 0] Shuffle { red black green black alpha white name BLUE xpos 594 ypos 825 } ShuffleCopy { inputs 2 alpha alpha2 black red white green red2 blue green2 alpha out2 motion name ShuffleCopy4 xpos 594 ypos 895 } IDistort { channels rgb uv motion uv_scale {{parent.chromaticAbberation}} maskChannel trackingMask.alpha name IDistort3 xpos 594 ypos 947 } push 0 push $N66d6100 push $Ncbf4a00 Shuffle { green black blue black alpha white name RED xpos 376 ypos 820 } ShuffleCopy { inputs 2 alpha alpha2 black red white green red2 blue green2 alpha out2 motion name ShuffleCopy2 xpos 376 ypos 892 } IDistort { channels rgb uv motion uv_scale {{parent.chromaticAbberation}} maskChannel trackingMask.alpha name IDistort1 xpos 376 ypos 946 } push $N66d6100 FrameHold { first_frame {{frame+24}} name FrameHold4 xpos 706 ypos 838 } push $Ncbf4a00 Shuffle { red black blue black alpha white name GREEN xpos 487 ypos 823 } ShuffleCopy { inputs 2 alpha alpha2 black red white green red2 blue green2 alpha out2 motion name ShuffleCopy3 xpos 487 ypos 893 } IDistort { channels rgb uv motion uv_scale {{parent.chromaticAbberation}} maskChannel trackingMask.alpha name IDistort2 xpos 487 ypos 949 } Merge2 { inputs 3+1 operation plus Achannels rgb Bchannels rgb output rgb name Merge29 xpos 487 ypos 998 } set N1fe29310 [stack 0] Group { name FuckUp xpos 681 ypos 998 addUserKnob {20 FuckUpControls} addUserKnob {41 color l On_Off T OnOff.color} addUserKnob {41 color_1 l "Dist On Off" T OnOffDist.color} addUserKnob {41 color_2 l "Noise On Off" T OnOffNoise.color} addUserKnob {41 mix T NoiseMerge.mix} addUserKnob {41 operation T NoiseMerge.operation} addUserKnob {20 Static t "Control The Look of Static Overlay"} addUserKnob {41 size l x/ysize T StaticNoise.size} addUserKnob {41 zoffset l z T StaticNoise.zoffset} addUserKnob {41 lacunarity T StaticNoise.lacunarity} addUserKnob {41 gain T StaticNoise.gain} addUserKnob {41 gamma T StaticNoise.gamma} addUserKnob {41 static_Block_size l "Block Size" T StaticPixelation.size} addUserKnob {20 Distortion} addUserKnob {41 uv_offset l "UV offset" T DistortionPlate.uv_offset} addUserKnob {41 uv_scale l "UV scale" T DistortionPlate.uv_scale} addUserKnob {41 size_1 l x/ysize T DistortionNoise.size} addUserKnob {41 zoffset_1 l z T DistortionNoise.zoffset} addUserKnob {41 lacunarity_1 l lacunarity T DistortionNoise.lacunarity} addUserKnob {41 gain_1 l gain T DistortionNoise.gain} addUserKnob {41 gamma_1 l gamma T DistortionNoise.gamma} } Constant { inputs 0 channels rgb color 1 name OnOffNoise xpos -1063 ypos -383 } Constant { inputs 0 channels rgb color 1 name OnOff xpos -915 ypos -475 } Noise { inputs 0 size 51 zoffset {{frame}} lacunarity 3.75 gain 0.54 center {960 540} name DistortionNoise xpos -726 ypos -583 } Crop { box {1128 106 1153 801} reformat true crop false name NoiseCrop xpos -726 ypos -548 } Reformat { resize distort name NoiseStretch xpos -726 ypos -517 } Transform { scale {1.4 1} center {111 457.5} name NoiseStretchScale xpos -726 ypos -493 } Dot { name Dot10 xpos -692 ypos -400 } ColorLookup { lut {master {curve C x0.2440092117 0 s0.03999999911 x0.662211895 1 s0.349999994} red {} green {} blue {} alpha {}} name NoiseLookup xpos -794 ypos -403 } Merge2 { inputs 2 operation multiply name NoiseMult xpos -915 ypos -403 } set N8fa64f0 [stack 0] Shuffle { green red blue red alpha red name NoiseShuffle xpos -915 ypos -376 } Invert { name NoiseInversion xpos -915 ypos -345 } Noise { inputs 0 size 3 translate {{parent.NOISE.value*frame+14*10 i} 0} center {960 540} name StaticNoise xpos -643 ypos -390 } Blocky { size 5 name StaticPixelation xpos -643 ypos -352 } Grade { blackpoint 0.25 whitepoint 0.261 gamma 1.02 black_clamp false mix 0.582 name StaticGrade xpos -643 ypos -311 } Merge2 { inputs 2 operation stencil name NoiseStencil xpos -915 ypos -311 } Merge2 { inputs 2 operation multiply name NoiseMult2 xpos -1063 ypos -311 } Constant { inputs 0 channels rgb color 1 name OnOffDist xpos -1058 ypos -475 } push $N8fa64f0 Merge2 { inputs 2 operation multiply name NoiseMult1 xpos -1058 ypos -403 } Input { inputs 0 name ImageIn xpos -1217 ypos -470 } ShuffleCopy { inputs 2 red red green green out motion name ShuffleDistortion xpos -1217 ypos -403 } Merge2 { inputs 2 operation screen mix 0.935 name NoiseMerge xpos -1217 ypos -311 } IDistort { channels rgb uv motion uv_offset 0.072 uv_scale 166 name DistortionPlate xpos -1217 ypos -276 } Output { name Output1 xpos -1217 ypos -126 } Multiply { inputs 0 channels rgba value {{"(noise((frame+(timeOffset*100))*freq, (seed*5), 0)*2-1)*amp+(amp*.7)+amount" i}} maskChannelMask -rgba.alpha name NOISE tile_color 0xff0000ff label CURVE note_font "Verdana Bold Bold Bold Bold Bold Bold Bold Bold Bold Bold Bold Bold Bold Bold Bold Bold Bold Bold Bold Bold Bold Bold Bold Bold Bold Bold Bold Bold Bold Bold Bold Bold Bold" note_font_size 23 note_font_color 0xff xpos -534 ypos -408 hide_input true addUserKnob {20 parameters l Parameters} addUserKnob {7 freq l Frequency} freq 0.445 addUserKnob {7 seed l Seed t "\t\t\t\t\t\t" R 0 100} seed 15.5 addUserKnob {7 amp l Amplitude} amp 14 addUserKnob {7 timeOffset l "Time Offset" R 0 100} timeOffset 3.4 addUserKnob {7 amount l Amount} amount 1 } end_group Blur { size 2 name Blur17 xpos 681 ypos 1024 } push $N1fe29310 Merge2 { inputs 2 maskChannelInput trackingMask.alpha mix {{parent.extraNoise}} name Merge30 xpos 487 ypos 1047 } Output { name Output1 xpos 487 ypos 1147 } end_group